S.N. | Crop/Variety | Thematic Area | Technology for Demonstration | Critical Inputs | Season and Year | Area (ha) | No. of Farmers / Demo | Parameters identified Yield/Profit/Other technological parameters |
1 | Pigeonpea(NA 2) | RCT & IPM | Raised bed sowing of new released variety with IPM module against pod borer. | Seed, Pheromone traps, NPV Indoneem, Trichoderma, monocrotophas | Kharif 2016-17 | 10 | 25 |
2 | Mustard (Pusa Jai Kisan) | INM & IPM | Replacement of seed with sulphur, & bio-pesticide. | Seed, Sulphur, PSB, Azotobactor, Indoneem | Rabi 2016-17 | 5.0 | 13 |
3 | Gram (PG 186) | Seed production & IPM | Popularization of wilt resistant variety with bio-fertilizer & bio- pesticide. | Seed, PSB, Rhizobium, Indoneem,NPV Pheromone trap Trichoderma bid purchor, endosulphan ,monocrotophas | Rabi 2016-17 | 5.0 | 13 |
4 | Pea (Jai) | ICM, Seed production INM | Popularization of wilt & powdery mildew resistant variety with bio-fertilizers. | Seed, Rhizobium, PSB | Rabi 2016-17 | 5.0 | 13 |
5 | Lentil | Seed production | Popularization of low cost pulse production | Seed, Rhizobium, PSB | Rabi 2016-17 | 5.0 | 13 |
6 | Urd Azad (Urd 3) | ICM & Seed Production | Popularization of mosaic resistant & short duration variety. | Seed, Bio-fertilizer. | Zaid 2016 | 5.0 | 13 |
7 | Mung (PDM 139) | ICM & Seed Production | Popularization of mosaic resistant & short duration variety. | Seed, Bio-fertilizer. | Zaid 2016 | 5.0 | 13 |
8 | Zaid maize (Hybrid) | ICM | Popularization of off season high valve crop.ICM | Seed, biofertilizer, Zinc sulphate | Zaid 2016 | 5.0 | 12 |
S.N. | Crop/Variety | Thematic Area | Technology for Demonstration | Critical Inputs | Season and Year | Area (ha) | No. of Farmers / Demo | Parameters identified Yield/Profit/Other technological parameters |
1 | Paddy (HUR 105) | Seed production | Transplanting of two seedlings/hill with shallow depth. | Improved seed, weedicide, fungicide | Kharif 2016 | 7.0 | 2205 |
2 | Maize (Hybrid) | Crop diversification | QPM/Hybrid Maize for higher yield. | Seed | Kharif 2016 | 5.0 | 20 |
3 | Wheat (HD 2967) | RCTs | Sowing of bioagent treated seed through ZT drill. | Seed, Bio-pesticide | Rabi 2016-17 | 5.0 | 20 |
4 | Barley (NDJ 2) | Integrated crop management by raising of low inputs required crop. | Seed replacement | Seed | Rabi 2016-17 | 5.0 | 12 |
5 | Vegetable pea (NDSM 4) | Crop diversification | New release variety along with bio-fertilizer | Seed, Bio-fertilizer | Rabi 2016-17 | 2.0 | 08 |
6 | Apiary establishment | Bee-keeping | To popularize Apis mellifera colonies among rural unemployment youths. | Bee-box, bee-colonies, stand, bee-veil, glovs | Oct 2016 | 05 Nos | 3 |
7 | Mushroom production units | Mushroom production | To popularize milky & oyster mushroom for employment & income | Spawn, Carbandazim, Formalin etc. | Oct 2016 | 5 | 5 |
Crop | Area (ha) | No. of Farmers |
Lentil | 16.00 | 40 |
Gram | 16.00 | 40 |
S.N. | Activity | No. of Activities To be Organize | Month | Number of Participants |
1 | Field days | 10 | April 2016 to March 2017 | 500 |
2 | Farmers Training | 10 | April 2016 to March 2017 | 1000 |
3 | Media coverage | 10 | April 2016 to March 2017 | 35 |
4 | Training for extension functionaries | 4 | April 2016 to March 2017 | 250 |
S.N. | Crop/Variety | Thematic Area | Technology for Demonstration | Critical Inputs | Season and Year | Area (ha) | No. of Farmers / Demo | Parameters identified Yield/Profit/Other technological parameters |
1 | Berseem | Fodder production | Improved seedfor higher green fodder | Seeds | Rabi | 2.0 | 15 | No. of cuttings & Yield q/ha |
2 | Sudan | Fodder production | Improved seedfor higher green fodder | Seeds | Zaid | 2.0 | 15 | No. of cuttings & Yield q/ha |
3 | Maize | Fodder production | Improved seedfor higher green fodder | Seeds | Zaid | 1.0 | 15 | No. of cuttings & Yield q/ha |
Enterprise | Breed | No. of Farmers | No. of Animals, Poultry Birds etc. | Critical Input | Performance Parameters / Indicators |
Control of post calving anoestrus in buffaloes | Murrah buffalo | 25 | 50 |
Control of pre-pubertal anoestrus | Murrah buffalo heifers | 25 | 50 |
To enhance milk production | Cows deshi | 15 | 30 |
Milk yield |
A) ON Campus
Thematic Area | No. of Courses | No. of Participants : Others | No. of Participants : SC/ST | No. of Participants : Grand Total |
(A) Farmers & Farm Women | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
I. Crop Production | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
I. Crop Production | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
Integrated cropping system | 2 | Male : 33 Female : 6 Total : 39 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
45 |
Seed production | 2 | Male : 30 Female : 12 Total : 42 |
Male : 5 Female : 3 Total : 8 |
50 |
Nursery management | 1 | Male : 16 Female : 2 Total : 18 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
24 |
Water management | 2 | Male : 25 Female : 10 Total : 35 |
Male : 5 Female : 2 Total : 7 |
42 |
I. Crop Production | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
II. Horticulture | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
A) Vegetable Crops | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
Prod. of low volume and high value crops | 1 | Male : 14 Female : 2 Total : 16 |
Male : 3 Female : 1 Total : 4 |
20 |
Nursery raising | 1 | Male : 13 Female : 3 Total : 16 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
22 |
Protected cultivation | 2 | Male : 26 Female : 9 Total : 35 |
Male : 5 Female : 2 Total : 7 |
42 |
b) Fruits | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
Layout and management of orchard | 1 | Male : 16 Female : 2 Total : 18 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
24 |
III. Livestock Production and Management | 1 | Male : 16 Female : 2 Total : 18 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
24 |
Dairy management | 2 | Male : 33 Female : 4 Total : 37 |
Male : 5 Female : 2 Total : 7 |
44 |
Disease management | 2 | Male : 35 Female : 15 Total : 50 |
Male : 5 Female : 3 Total : 8 |
58 |
Feed management | 4 | Male : 80 Female : 18 Total : 98 |
Male : 20 Female : 5 Total : 25 |
123 |
Production of quality animal products | 2 | Male : 32 Female : 3 Total : 35 |
Male : 3 Female : 2 Total : 5 |
4 |
IV. Soil health | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
Soil fertility management | 2 | Male : 38 Female : 4 Total : 42 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
48 |
Soil & water management | 2 | Male : 35 Female : 5 Total : 40 |
Male : 6 Female : 3 Total : 9 |
49 |
Production & use of organic inputs | 2 | Male : 37 Female : 3 Total : 40 |
Male : 6 Female : 4 Total : 10 |
50 |
Management of problematic soils | 2 | Male : 28 Female : 2 Total : 30 |
Male : 11 Female : 3 Total : 14 |
44 |
V. Plant Protection | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
Integrated Pest Management | 2 | Male : 40 Female : 6 Total : 46 |
Male : 8 Female : 4 Total : 12 |
58 |
Integrated Disease Management | 3 | Male : 42 Female : 8 Total : 50 |
Male : 12 Female : 3 Total : 15 |
67 |
Bio control of pest and diseases | 3 | Male : 52 Female : 5 Total : 57 |
Male : 8 Female : 3 Total : 11 |
68 |
Total | 38 | Male : 625 Female : 119 Total : 744 |
Male : 122 Female : 50 Total : 172 |
916 |
Rural Youth | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
Seed production | 3 | Male : 47 Female : 5 Total : 52 |
Male : 6 Female : 8 Total : 8 |
60 |
Training and pruning of orchard | 2 | Male : 30 Female : 4 Total : 34 |
Male : 5 Female : 1 Total : 6 |
40 |
Integrated Farming System | 1 | Male : 14 Female : 3 Total : 17 |
Male : 1 Female : 2 Total : 3 |
20 |
Poultry production | 1 | Male : 10 Female : 2 Total : 12 |
Male : 5 Female : 3 Total : 8 |
20 |
Sheep and goat rearing | 1 | Male : 11 Female : 3 Total : 14 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
20 |
Repair and maintenance of farm machinery and implements | 2 | Male : 32 Female : 4 Total : 36 |
Male : 3 Female : 1 Total : 4 |
40 |
Vermi–culture/Bio-fertilizer | 2 | Male : 31 Female : 3 Total : 34 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
40 |
Role of bio-technology in agriculture development. | 1 | Male : 15 Female : 2 Total : 17 |
Male : 2 Female : 1 Total : 3 |
20 |
Total | 13 | Male : 190 Female : 26 Total : 216 |
Male : 30 Female : 14 Total : 44 |
260 |
(C) Extension Personnel | Male : Female : Total : |
Male : Female : Total : |
Productivity enhancement in field crops | 2 | Male : 36 Female : 6 Total : 42 |
Male : 5 Female : 3 Total : 8 |
50 |
Soil fertility management | 1 | Male : 18 Female : 4 Total : 22 |
Male : 2 Female : 1 Total : 3 |
25 |
Soil and water conservation | 1 | Male : 15 Female : 6 Total : 21 |
Male : 2 Female : 2 Total : 4 |
25 |
Soil and water testing | 1 | Male : 18 Female : 4 Total : 22 |
Male : 2 Female : 1 Total : 3 |
25 |
Resource conservation techniques | 1 | Male : 16 Female : 3 Total : 19 |
Male : 4 Female : 2 Total : 6 |
25 |
Protected cultivation technology | 2 | Male : 30 Female : 8 Total : 38 |
Male : 7 Female : 5 Total : 12 |
50 |
Biological control is essential for bio diversity conservation | 2 | Male : 36 Female : 6 Total : 42 |
Male : 5 Female : 3 Total : 8 |
50 |
Management in farm animals | 1 | Male : 18 Female : 3 Total : 21 |
Male : 2 Female : 2 Total : 4 |
25 |
Livestock feed and fodder production | 1 | Male : 35 Female : 6 Total : 41 |
Male : 5 Female : 4 Total : 9 |
50 |
Composite fish culture | 1 | Male : 13 Female : 5 Total : 18 |
Male : 5 Female : 2 Total : 7 |
25 |
TOTAL(C) | 14 | Male : 235 Female : 51 Total : 286 |
Male : 39 Female : 25 Total : 64 |
350 |
TOTAL(A+B+C) | 65 | Male : 1050 Female : 196 Total : 1246 |
Male : 191 Female : 89 Total : 280 |
1526 |
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